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20 / Female / Single
New York - United States
I'm a dark fantasy lover that is always in search of some story-appropriate drama. I play as all genders, and I like slow-burn romances mixed with high fantasy adventure. I'm 100% okay with ERP, as long as it's appropriate to the plot of a roleplay and is consensual. I will not just do ERP on its own, so do not contact me for that.

I'm pretty selective when it comes to accepting friend requests. I'm slightly more inclined to accept friend requests from females. I would prefer that you are a multi-para or novella roleplayer, as the more details you give me, the more I can give you.

As for myself, I absolutely love writing, poetry, and everything in between. I'm a big theatre person, so I study body language and voice inflection to know how to write them. I've noticed that I tend to pick apart the tiniest details in art and music and analyze them, whether it's on purpose or not. I have spent three years building and writing a world from scratch. Maps, religions, deities, cultures, plants, monsters, everything. Combined, all of my notes on this world are upwards of 1000 pages on Google Docs. It's definitely a location that's available to roleplay in if you desire! Just ask for details and I'll gladly deliver!

Communication is something that I really like with a roleplay partner. I desperately want to discuss the plot, character, and scenario details with a partner so we can coordinate a story and find what makes both of us happy. This is not restricted to before a roleplay starts, if you have an idea mid-scene, tell me out of character! I'm experienced in improvisation, so I'm sure I can work it in for you!

You can call me Sisy for short if you'd like. I have quite a long list of characters, and you can take your pick of them when we're planning a plot. If none of them work for you, I can make one from scratch on the spot! I hope we can have a lot of fun escaping reality together <3

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Christ almighty I have never had a fever this high in my life-- like almost dangerous fever level. Responses will be delayed. Apologies!!
Mood: sick
4  May 13th 2024 19:50

Latest Comments

To write with Sisy, is to be absorb into a very intricated gameplay. Her descriptions evokes some of the best feelings I had experience in having here on his site. A Very complex and logical competent player. It's a complete delight to play with her. On and Out-of-the-Character, she is clever, and has a nice touch to apply in every interaction. I can't recommend enough to play a great story, being DandD based or any other.
Apr 19th 2023 16:20