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17 Friends



37 / Male / Its Complicated
Ohio - United States
I'm up for anything when it comes to roleplays. If you got an idea for something I'd love to hear it, if not then I'm up for talking out a good RP with you as well. (This includes Dark/N*FW/ Adult theme RP's)

I'm not shy, so don't feel you have to be shy around me. I'm an adult and can take comment and criticism, so if you have a problem with something we're doing then please let me know so we can work it out. Just be respectful about it and we'll be fine.

Like I said I'm up for any kind of roleplay you might have in mind, but if you want to hear what I can come up with then please send me a message so we can figure out a good role to play. A good plot is a must for our roleplay, but "adult situations" are also fun to play out as well *Winks suggestively*. (sorry for that wink, this site is bad for any use of graphic language and I don't want to be deleted for something dumb like using a phrase they deem as inappropriate). Anyway, hope to hear from you soon.

Quick rules though;
-Please don't come at me in character, I want to talk out the RP first.
-If you send a request, please say hi or something so I know your interested. If I send a request, I'll respond first.
-Can't do one liners and I won't do Novels. One liners get boring fast and leave me not interested in the RP and Novels are too hard to maintain for longer term RP's. So if you can do anywhere between one to three paragraphs as a starter or as your replies, that is best for my time and abilities.

This isn't a rule, but if you'd like to send me a short list (like 1 to 3 items) of media or genres you like in your first message, that would help me know what your interested in. But don't feel you have to do this to talk to me.

Start roleplaying with members like OriginalCharacters!



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Latest Status

Serious apologies to everyone, not a single reply out and it sucks. I want to but I am ridiculously busy right now as I am getting ready to move to a new place in the next month. I'll try to reply where I can, but I can't promise anything until I get settled in my new place. Sorry again.
6  May 15th 2024 13:21

Latest Comments

You are my absolute favorite. :)
Mar 6th 2022 11:40

I miss you and our RP.
Jun 12th 2020 10:16

//just wanted to let you know your the f***ing best and I'm so happy we've been friends this long <3
Mar 1st 2019 21:40