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35 / Male / Single
Ethereal Realm, United States
In the realms beyond mortal perception, where the cosmos entwines with the ethereal, there existed an eternal conflict. Angels, beings of celestial radiance, and demons, embodiments of infernal might, clashed in a perpetual struggle for dominion over the spiritual realms. For eons, their battles echoed through the cosmos, leaving trails of devastation in their wake.

At the heart of this cosmic turmoil stood two formidable figures: Seraphina, the Mistress of Angels, and Azazel, the Master of Demons. Each commanded vast legions, marshaling their forces for an endless war that seemed to have no end.

Yet amidst the chaos, a whisper of change stirred. Seraphina, weary of the ceaseless conflict and the toll it took on both realms, sought a path to peace. In her quest for resolution, she reached out to Azazel, knowing that only by bridging the chasm between their worlds could true harmony be achieved.

Surprisingly, Azazel too harbored a longing for an end to the strife. Recognizing the futility of eternal battle, he accepted Seraphina's proposal to forge an alliance, albeit with skepticism and caution.

Together, they convened a gathering of their most trusted followers, both angels and demons alike. Amidst the swirling energies of their realms, Seraphina and Azazel performed a sacred blood bond ritual, swearing an oath of unity and cooperation.

As their essences intertwined, a radiant burst of light and shadow erupted, illuminating the heavens and the abyss alike. From this union emerged a new species, born of both celestial grace and infernal fire: the Aeradame.

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Aug 23rd 2023 15:19