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(Jo McCormick)
32 / Female / Single
United States
No 1-liners!

I only RP in 1st person, but I’ll accept any format my partner uses. Makes no difference to me.

Drew's little sister, like the others she was dared into going inside the Hillhurst Mansion. After evading the three monsters living there, they enter the parlor and play three accidental notes on the pipe organ; this releases a phantasm from the seventh dimension, Flabber, who offers to grant them any wish they desire as a reward for giving him his freedom. Despite thinking it a dream, she, Drew and Roland wish to become the Beetleborgs. However, Flabber accidentally traps them in the comic book world; he lets them out, and the Magnavores by accident.

With Drew and Roland, she takes on the identity of the comic book superheroes known as the Beetleborgs. They fight the Magnavores various times, sending their monster minions back to the comics each time. However, at the same time, they have to deal with the zany antics of the Hillhurst monsters that keep trying to eat them.

When Vexor creates the Shadowborg, the Beetleborgs ally with Art Fortunes, the creator of the comics that their powers came from. He gives them a new teammate and a new weapon; however, because it was due to Shadowborg's existence that they needed a new member, said member loses their powers upon the destruction of the imposter.

Eventually, the Magnavores make their last blunder, by unleashing Nukus from 2D land. He double-crosses them, sending the group back to the comics. Nukus then destroys the Big Bad powers, rendering the Beetleborgs powerless. Art Fortunes designs new powers, creating the Beetleborgs Metallix.

Jo's powers of super strength given to her by Flabber are activated by cracking her knuckles. She usually hides the fact she's doing this in public, or comes up with a good lie. She often beats up the Hillhurst group with this power since they never learn their lesson about trying to eat them.

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Well….I can’t say I didn’t try…..Will be deleting soon.
0  19 hours ago

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