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(Evitha Cath)
23 / Female / Looking for You
Kazikhell, Sapas Mons - Venus
Hi! I'm Evie, but check out some of my other characters too! They might just show up in and RP, maybe when you least expect them to.

Looking for someone creative and fun. Plot and story with struggles are a must. Romance over sm*t! Sex scenes will happen, but I don't want them to take over the PR.

Life has been too easy lately, too peaceful, too pretty. I'm looking for some hard and sticky situations, a deadly apocalypse scenario, aliens, fire and explosions, the edge of the world... with a few intimate moments mixed in. Don't go easy!

Please don't be the guy or girl who solves all the problems without creating any new ones for us. We're writing a story, not trying to win a game, and a story needs conflicts. Also try not to plan too far ahead in the story. Fair warning that I like to improvise and throw curve balls.

Oh, and did anyone tell you how sexy you look today?

Quick character descriptions (pics in my pics):

Evie (Doll) Ash - Impulsive, fun loving, and maybe slightly crazy. Easily used, seduced, and tricked. Beware her impulsiveness can turn into dangerous decisiveness.

Julia (Julie) Marie - Her beauty and money is all she has. But neither beauty nor money can buy happiness. She longs for something more, much more.

Nella (Nell) Callie - Loves life and adventure. Maybe too much adventure. It's a miracle she's still alive after all the dangerous things she does and with the dangerous people she messes with.

Kiara (k) Ark - Ambitious and smart. Young but dangerous, don't underestimate her. Her parents were a bold and villainous influence on her. The name of Ark holds many secrets and dangers.

Nikki (Bitch) Oyen - Her parents were taken away, so she was left to raise herself by whatever means necessary. She's used to be desperate and uncomfortable.

Inna (Insie) Ark - Normally playful and fun, there is a seriousness and sadness hidden in her mind. She vaguely remembers her mother, but something about those memories makes her strive for power and ambitions.

Evalyn (Eva) Lyntriss - Kind and loving, which tends to sometimes get her in trouble. She is also naive about the world and oblivious of dangers all around.

Lizzy (Liz) Tey - The daughter of a wealthy business woman. When her mom disappeared, the business was left all to her... but can she handle it? She really can't. Such a big and complex business is far too much for a spoiled girl. But she would try.

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