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(Erick D)
30 / Male / In a Relationship
In amazing dreams, Get to know me - Afghanistan
As most others I have been here before. I am mostly looking for rps with anything romance.
I can do various lengths and can play various characters and if you need me to make a character let me know. I mostly like to wing it and decide on the spot.

I will always ask you if you have ideas. However, that is only because I have ideas a plenty that I would like to do, so jut tell me to give you plots if you want me to give you what you want.

Always willing to rp on discord if you prefer, just give me a poke about it.

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Everything is ok, just do not know how much I can be on the site.
4  May 9th 2024 10:54

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RolePlay asked the question
Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. Yes, been here before
 Apr 27th 2024 16:51

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