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4 Friends



21 / Male / In a Relationship
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."


Hey! For formalities, you can call me Salvatore. Roleplay has always been a sort of guilty pleasure of mine throughout the years, and though I've, regrettably, sweeped my past with it under the rug for a while now, I'd like to get back into it---but seriously this time. I spend a lot of my time writing about my own characters and fleshing them out, but it's never quite the same as doing it with a good partner. And so I came crawling back; it was inevitable. :')

I'm open to hearing any suggestions regarding plots, storylines, settings, scenarios, or characters! I'd be more than thrilled to help pick apart what's going through your brain, and, if you like, put in my two cents as well. Whether it be our own original characters we'll be using or existing characters from pieces of media, I can assure you that I will at least listen.

As for my response times, I will respond at least once a day. However, life is life, so there may be times where I won't respond for maybe a day or two. Apart from that, I can respond pretty much consistently. I don't mind if you respond inconsistently; as long as your responses are at least a paragraph long and literate, I'm okay with it! One-liners are an automatic no.

I won't be disclosing any personal information, so please do not ask. You won't get a lick of anything. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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