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(El Deano, Mr. Batman, Squirrel, Jerk.)
30 / Male / Single
Lawrence , Kansas - United States
Tell me what it is that you see in your dreams after staring down a barrel time and time again?

The road so far. . .
There ain’t enough space here to get to know me from Adam but let’s just say I keep on truckin’ down the same old walk of life as my parents did before me and my grandparents before them. Saving people, hunting things; the family business. No one told me that this was an easy road but man do I feel the lactic acid burning from treading water for so damn long, barely keepin’ my peepers above the surface.
What makes it all worthwhile, you might ask? Ladies, pie and rock ’n’ roll. Oh, and nothing beats that fuzzy feeling you get when you rub your tongue against a battery. It’s fan-frickin’-tastic, lemme tell ya’. There are some other reasons that I’m still alive and kickin'—my brother for one, then there’s a certain bewinged dude who’s come to mean a great deal to me. They keep me afloat and helps me grinding the rusty gears when the going gets tough. But hey, let’s not turn this into a chick-flick moment, shall we? ’Kay. Peachy!
Stay classy and have some pie,
Hasta la Vista, baby.

(Admin has portrayed Dean since 2015 with the same username but has gotten removed because of inactivity. Now I’m back on track and ready to wreak some havoc.)

Start roleplaying with members like Dean-Winchester!



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“I’m right here, love.”
Feb 28th 2024 23:42

I’d be happy to come over and bother you, babe. You tell me when and where.
Feb 28th 2024 10:55

" VEPO—!"
an anxious chuckle passed her. " I—uhmm..may have taken something from Adrien—" she said, trying to give an innocent look.

" Dammit kid, give me back that jerky!" The male said he stomped up to two.

" NO— f*** you, it's bills recipe isn't!"

" that's not the point—"

Jul 17th 2023 20:39

" DEAN—" the female, said aloud. Sprinting in his direction, holding something in hand before coming to a skidded stop. Quickly hiding behind him." HES AN ANGRY DOGGO!"
Jul 17th 2023 19:50

" You make me owen wilson 'wow', ya'know that?"
Jan 12th 2023 11:56

“Hopefully, once this demon situation here situated. I’m exhausted, Dean. I would like to hang out with you.”
Dec 14th 2022 22:08

“Hey. So you and me… that going to happen?”
Dec 14th 2022 21:26

“No plans at all. I’m all yours.”
Dec 6th 2022 22:51

Well, those bastards never know what’s coming for them…”
Dec 6th 2022 22:16

“When have I caused you trouble?!”
Dec 6th 2022 22:04