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16 Friends



26 / Female / Single
Connecticut - United States
A creative spirit with a passion for the written word, I have been putting pen to paper since childhood. Though my professional writing experience is limited, my imagination knows no bounds. Give me two lovers forbidden from being together or a wizard on a quest to save his kingdom, and I will spin you a story that speaks from the heart. I may be an amateur, but my enthusiasm is unmatched. All I need is a little encouragement to unlock my potential as a fantasy and romance writer. Though my portfolio is slim now, I envision a future filled with enchanting tales to uplift the spirit and nourish the soul. The storyteller within me is ready to emerge.

Check out my photo album for characters and my blog for ideas!!


1. Be patient, as I will be with you. I understand that this is a hobby and sometimes some more pressing matters can come up without reason or time to explain. That being said...
2. If you aren't enjoying yourself or don't feel we are compatible writing partners, then we will part ways no drama!
3. I write what I am given. I am a casual writer, I'm here to have a good time and make good stories, so I'm not expecting you to write a whole novel. But, give me some get some!
4. I don't roleplay with minors.

Start roleplaying with members like Bo0st!



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