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(Amelia Blackwater)
19 / Female / Single
X, X - Belgium
Name: Amelia
Age: (Around) 100 years old.
Gender: Female
Species: Skír
Ocupation: Healer Family: Mithlas (Father), Eirlys (Mother, deceased), Penelle (Older Sister), Halion (Older Brother), Enderym (Older Brother), Cirion (Uncle)

Personality: A fierce protector. She is sassy and very stubborn and will do exactly what she feels like doing but she has a kind heart doing so.

Summary: Amelia lives in the Realm of Casalder. Casalder is located in the far Western forests and outlands of a much larger kingdom. Casalder was a settlement built eons ago by their people. Their ancestors would even say that this is their birthplace.

Now abounding with intricate and homely abodes scattering the expanses of their Domain, their kind were thriving. From blacksmiths to winemakers to merchants and weavers, the Skri of the Casalder Realm did everything they could to ensure the prosperity they had created. In their realm they loosely praise 3 Gods; Grimr, Lif, & Skapa. They have temples built throughout their expanse with a grand ‘hall’ in the north western area. The Skri’s understand that their primary source of magic comes from their connection with the life. The Skri who live in the forests feel as though their connection to energies are greater due to their all natural surroundings. Even their homes are built within the extensions of trees and using nature and their very own magics to create it.

Currently there is an underground war being threatened between the Skri and the Myrkri being led by an unknown faction leader. The Myrkri are a group of corrupted and destructive bunch of misled Skri. The further into decent they fall the darker they become. Once a fall has gone far enough, their soul shatters. It is unheard of for a soul to be reborn or recovered, but that doesn’t stop some from trying.

Her Story: Amelia is the fourth and last born of her parents. She was born well into her Father’s ruling, known as a ‘little princess’. She came at a time when war was thought to be had between the dark factions of their domain and themselves. Worried that it would put his newborn daughter at risk, he hid his wife away asking his brother to protect her while he and others defended their home. Someone snuck into the chambers without his knowledge and murdered his wife. About to strike the final blow on the baby, Mithlas came bursting through the doors. They fled and Cirion grabbed the baby and handed her to Mithlas. The suspect had fled the same way he had snuck in.
After that night, she was raised with overbearing caution. Her siblings were already well into adulthood but understood the damages caused by their mother’s death.

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