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119 / Other / Single
Wandering About, Your Home - United States
ׂ╰┈➤ Greetings,

☾⋆✧It is a pleasure to come to meet you, I am certain our impressions of one another will start here particularly. So, do read these contents accordingly as to give yourself and honest gaze into the writer of this profile. Lest, you will ultimately fail to amalgamate the proper information required to interact with my character and profile. Without further amiss, let's get started.

☾⋆✧ For starters, I will lay down a blatant and vivid statement here and now: Any and all characters I will portray, under whatever various circumstance, will be PACKING. Now, I capitalize this so that those who aren't talented in reading will at the very least, spot it and know what they're walking toward.

☾⋆✧I should also note the fact, that just because I am utilizing a character as a face claim from any given franchise, does not mean I know them truly, nor partake in the medium they're from.

☾⋆✧ Secondly, we can delve into my general rules. Now, I am not going to name off a wide variety of obvious rules. Instead, I will implant what I expect, and what I will attempt to provide generally. So, please pay relatively decent attention.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 1. I will ship almost anyone. However, my characters are all intended to be mostly dominant parties when romancing. This does not mean you cannot initiate flirting, kissing, or some other relatively interactive physical occasion. It only means, when the fire starts to light, you can expect a level of 'taking over.' Ships are F+xF, F+xFemboy, F+xF+ (Given they're a submissive partner.)

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 2. I am quite open to the wide array of possibilities, even being somewhat open to taboo topics within my roleplays. However, I do have my limits. I should note, those limits are sometimes, subjective to the severity of the request. But, often, I will merely request your interests and preferences. Since, I am relatively open on those fronts.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 3. If you add me, I expect you to have a character, concept, or general idea with you. Along with this, you should be sending the first message, whether it be an underwhelming one or not.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 4. I personally, and on average, aim to write between one and three paragraphs, in any given writing endeavor. However, there are various occasions where I am viable to write more than this, if need be, or if I see it as appropriate. Just expect some quantity between these specified numbers.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 5. To be honest, I am greatly amused by being called titles, such as 'Mommy, Master, whatever.' So, if you're propped to be adorable to me, fire away. Here's the hidden rule; If you fail to like one of my images, I will presume you haven't read my profile, and as such, will fail to add you. Unless, of course, I decide to make an exception.

-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ 6. Remember, we all have lives, I will get busy, sometimes for up to a week or two. If you're impatient, I suggest you avoid me.

✫ Alright then, without further rules, I can move on to my general concept.

: ̗̀➛ I am usually a pretty open writer, delving mostly into romance, the more l'e'wd things, and general storytelling. However, I personally, do not need some profound, 3rd dimensional plot. All I need, is some moderately realistic character chemistry. For now, my core concept will be characters who work for a businesses, in whatever time period. The idea, simply, is that partners who cannot reproduce, find love, or suffer from mental or physical ailments which keep them from their lives. Well, they're sent these special wo-men. They then, stick around, and cater to the person in question, within reason, of course.

✫ Otherwise, shoot for the stars. I don't need to be wholly adamant on my personal base idea. But, I will let my opinion be known. I will say, I am not a fan of pre-made plots, that fail to consider my personal interests or the character I intend or desire to portray. If these are followable rules, do pass me an add.

✫ On a final note, I will toss the full versions of my images in a spaced link on my profile. That way, interested parties can see, all the action. p.p.s The admin of this profile is 21+. So no worries there if you're concerned.

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I am going to have to stay off tonight overall. Bad storms keep knocking out the power. :C
0  May 15th 2024 21:36

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