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31 Friends



22 / Male / Single
<3, <3 - Belgium
Hey there, friends!

I'm a veteran roleplayer with a whopping 9 years of experience! English isn't my first language, but that hasn't stopped me from diving headfirst into the exciting world of roleplaying. I'm totally into Romance and Fantasy Plots, and trust me, I can play both male and female characters without any problems

Now, just a heads up, I've had some not-so-great experiences with male roleplayers in the past, so I'd prefer to team up with girls or fem-presenting individuals.

But hey, let's keep things chill and enjoyable, so here are a few simple rules:

- Be cool and treat each other with respect. No room for drama here!
- One-liners are a no-go. Let's keep the story rich and engaging, shall we?
- Gotta be responsible, so no N*FW stuff for anyone under 18, and no roleplay for those under 16.

Start roleplaying with members like Aftermath!



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It appears everyone has spontaneously combusted again, leaving me all alone.
3  6 hours ago

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