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(Johnny Smoke)
26 / Male / Single
Not comfortable telling. >///<, Wouldn't you like to know. ;P - Australia
Hiya, welcome to my profile~!

My name's Johnny, I'm 26, Pansexual and I used to have a profile here way back. Back then I eventually felt that I wasn't getting what I wanted out of this site and decided to leave but as the years went on I started to miss it. I especially missed doing other roleplay that wasn't furry-based and wanted to get back into fantasy roleplay with mystical/supernatural creatures. I'm here to roleplay with whoever but would prefer it if YOU WERE 18 OR OLDER, DM me with a scenario from my you'd like to do and a character you want to play from my blog and I'll get back to you ASAP. Oh, read the rules in my blog before messaging me please.

If you can't tell by my profile I'm really into craft beers especially some of the ones coming out of Australia and New Zealand. I'm also heavily involved in the creative arts and my other hobbies include visiting theatres, cinemas or galleries, acting, singing, drawing and painting. On top of this, I love learning about History whether it's ancient, modern or natural and I am obsessed with the supernatural so I love a good museum trip, ghost tour, séance or paranormal investigation. If you were curious I mainly listen to early rock and roll, soul, classical, jazz, indie, 70's/80's rock or pop and a little modern rock and pop.

I'm an actor but to get by I'm helping the elderly and disabled stay independent in their own homes and out of care facilities. Some highlights from my acting career include working as a background extra on movies like Thor Love and Thunder, 3000 Years of Longing, and Mad Max: Furiosa and TV shows like Mr Imbetween, Doctor Doctor and The Artful Dodger. For my day job, I specialise in diseases in the dementia and autism spectrum and love just being there for those who don't necessarily have anyone anymore. I give them someone to talk to, help them around the house or look after themselves, keep them engaged in their hobbies with some adjustments depending on their condition and help them maintain their social circles. But most importantly, I help them to realise that they haven't lost as much of their independence as they think they have.

Start roleplaying with members like WolfOfTheWillows97!



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What's with twinks and their bitchy attitudes? Do they seriously think it's attractive? TBH it just makes me want to smack them across the face, especially when they get to my age or older and they're still total arrogant, bitchy cunts. Like grow up you c*ck heads.
Mood: aggravated
3  May 8th 2024 11:11

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