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(Jaden, The one who Writes)
24 / Other / Forever Alone
HH 24, Orion - External Territories of Australia

The offline situations are not resolving as fast as I would have liked and the spare time I do get to relax has me feeling defeated, the creative energy does not have a chance to refresh lately unfortunately.

Social chatting will still be open, but role-playing is off the table at the moment.
Possibly subject to change upon return.

The pleasure of anticipation

• ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° •

Welcome to HH24, mortal one.
What extraordinary events have led you to find yourself here?
No mind, let me introduce you to our artisans...
{Blog post currently under contruction}

• ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° •

OOC ~☆


Short term, scene plays, and "one night stand" style plays are still more than welcome, but I cannot commit to longer term plays at the moment or roleplays that engage in deeper world building or plot.

Socially chatting is always welcome, my sweet.
However, I am rarely active. Even less than normal for now. I am hoping this changes sooner rather than later. These things are currently out of my control unfortunately.

Don't expect immediate responses.

~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~

Currently reply wait times: 1-3 replies a fortnight)

Happy to chat socially.
Or short form scene plays always open

~ ♧ ~ ◇ ~ ♡ ~ ♤ ~

About me, the Roleplayer ^.^ ~☆

Neurospicy, ADHD, INFP, Aquarius, Year of the Dragon... um... can't think of any other- oh! I think Amethyst is my irl birthstone... I'd need to check that. But yeah, hope that answers any of those questions for those that look for these things '^.^
I love Dragons, Making You Blush, DnD, Flamecraft, Minecraft (yeah yeah, I unironically play Minecraft in my 20s XD sue me), Jackbox games, Femboys, Tomboys, Ultrafems, Androgynous styles, rainbows, puzzles, Arts and Crafts, Bushwalking...

I'm a mummy who loves to love on you, my dear. You deserve to be covered in my kisses!

Goes without saying... I am not an exclusive person haha. I don't have patience for jealousy, for envy, or for catfights. That leads to pain... and I don't have a pain kink.
On that note, I don't do well playing multiple characters. I find it hard to juggle more than one character at a time... maybe two... maybe...

I was once quite the avid Roleplayer when Wattpad was actually Roleplay friendly... after a 10-year break due to off-line circumstances, I'm back and stretching the old muscles.
I do work fulltime and have a family member I share a caring role for, so my activity here will be sporadic and breif mostly.

I am English literate, if a bit clumsy when typing. Especially on this site proofreading is cumbersome and occasionally the site refuses to send a lengthy reply I just typed out.
Please be patient with occasional typos.
Also, I play in second or third person. I very rarely find playing in ufrst person any fun. More than happy for you to! But I probably won't ^.^

PLEASE NOTE: If you are assuming and describing feelings, thoughts, and/or actions on behalf of my character... this tends to lead to a quick loss of motivation to play on my end. I feel most creatively engaged when in full control of my character's thoughts, feelings, and actions. Occasional lapses in this I can look past, but consistent puppetry of my characters in play will assuredly lead to a disconnect from our roleplay from me. ^.^

I am not here to be your entertainment.
This kind of play works best and is most enjoyable with team work.
I will lose interest very fast if I am doing most of the work.

~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~

Limits ~☆

18+ Roleplayer.
Due to personal circumstances, consent needs to be a theme in any roleplay I engage with.
Expressed and Enthusiastic.
All parties involved much be communicating their interest and desire for it.

M, F, NB, etc... gender is a societal construct, play however you're character would like to identify as. I personally identify as what ever you call me that causes that cute redness in your cheeks and butterflies in your chest~

Aftercare is a must, and you can be sure to receive plenty of it from my end, my sweetness <3 never be afraid to ask for it. You deserve to be treated well, my dear, from me as well as others.

I do realize that it can be boring to play out very similar E~Roleplays with me again and again, I am conscious that I have a particular "style". Please do not feel bad about parting ways at any point ^.^ or transition to socially chatting for a time. Don't feel you need to stick around after a "one-night stand" scenario. I to be that online wholesome fling, hehe. I won't feel abandoned. I hope you had fun though ;P That's my aim

Other ~☆

I'm in the southern hemisphere, so time zones may apply.
Messaging will be casual and sporadic.
Also, offline life takes president over online life for me unfortunately, so if there are times when a few days go by without a reply... don't worry, I will get to it. Just going to take me a little while.
I will try to communicate through dry patches so that I don't ghost you. But also, at times I may look active but you might not receive a reply. There could be multiple reasons for this. I could be reading your response and considering a response of my own that I am happy with, I will not half-ass my replies if I can help it, I am replying to others and will get to you, I am on for other reasons than roleplay, etc.
Clear and consistent communication is important to me, so I strive to get replies to people at least weekly. Do allow between 4-7 days for me, feel free to poke me after that haha.
Discord WILL NOT be an option until I feel safe with you. NO EXCEPTIONS
Slice-of-life style rp without occasional spice can get boring, so if you're into slice-of-life vanilla style I'm probably not the right rp partner for you.

Yes, I use AI-generated art for a lot of my character profiles. I do be a picky person for images that properly show the vibes of the characters I wish to portray and simply do not have the time to draw them all to my standards.
If that bothers you, I'm sorry.
I am not using nor promoting creating and selling AI-generated art using stolen art inspiration. However, as inspiration for creative endeavors such as these with no financial transactions I feel ethically fine with, personally.

• ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • made it through the whole thing?

Hmm... I think you deserve a reward for that effort.
Come here, dear. Let me show you how much I appreciates when people listen to me as well as you just did~

• ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° • ° ☆ ° •

Start roleplaying with members like TheHorizontalTango!



  Email Address  [?]





Latest Status

Hello my Dears, I am putting this profile on hiatus.
The offline situations are not resolving as fast as I woild have liked and the spare time I do get to relax has me feeling defeated, the creative energy does not have a chance to refresh lately unfortunately.
I hate to string people along and have sent out PM's to those I have been discussing roleplays with. I appreciate you all so much!
Social chatting will still be open, but role-playing is off the table at the moment.

Mood: drained
7  May 12th 2024 04:08

Latest Comments

*hugs tight*
Mar 19th 2024 02:04