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(Converse Group )
24 / Female / Single
Alabama - United States
Currently seeking role players for my Converse Group role play. Elements of Drama, Romance, Action, Comedy.

Females and Males please apply. Realistic type role play where the group will be tested to stick together. Relationships high and low of love and loss. Everyone impacted upon the decisions made.

This will be hosted on the Discord. As long as you apply your character. You will enjoy yourself.

The genres I love to play are as follows: Slice of Life Modern Role Play, Horror Survival Role Play, Sci-fi, Historical, and Western Role Plays.

What I like to have in my role plays are a nice bit of comedy, romance, and drama.

I'm usually a 70% story and 30% sm*t role player. I prefer role playing on Discord as the name states. I can play up to 20 characters distinctly either individually or in group.

I don't believe in fade to black role plays. If a scene is going to be played out. Then it's meant to be played out.

Start roleplaying with members like QueenofHearts!



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