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10 Friends



119 / Other / Forever Alone
United States
❝We are legion. We expose the corrupt, the evil, the twisted lurkers of Those who are evil beware.❞

Hiya! ^^ We are an account that is here as a simple warning of others, to bring you people that you should avoid depending on your comfort level and generally warn of how others are. We provide pedo's, WLW and MLM fetishizes, harassers, sexist, racist, homophobic, etc people. We provide proof always and information deeper if needed. We hope to make this a safe place for all to be able to roleplay. We understand everyone is different and has preferences, but there are things that not only cross the humane line and comfort zones but as well as the sites guidelines.

We hope you'll take the information learned from here and do what's best for you with it.

We are also here if you want to talk about anything, your health-mental, physical, and emotional-matters a lot, and you are worth a lot. So please don't be afraid to reach out, we are here.

Our dm's are a safe place if you need to talk about anything, whether that's sharing your story or telling us how your day went. We are here for you and will be here to help. We try our best to be on 24/7 but it isn't guaranteed. However we have faster methods to reach us! Such as gmails and discord!

With that all being said, I don't know exactly what to tell you but I guess I shall end this here. You are welcomed here, and don't be afraid to reach out. <33


Sites Guidelines and rules:

Our rules and Info:


Users you should watch out for:

Start roleplaying with members like CAUGHT!



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Latest Questions

RolePlay asked the question
Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. Did you know there is over a 100 creeps on here? Huh, not must be doing a good job of keeping people safe...No offense I guess.
 Mar 9th 2021 10:51

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