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7 Friends



23 / Female / In a Relationship
Dear future-roleplay-partner,

How is the weather? Just kidding, I don’t care.

I hope you fare well, I’m in a terrible predicament myself. Can’t seem to find roleplay partners who can write fantasy romance wihout it turning way too cliche. Everytime I think I’ve found the one, it turns out their character’s only personality trait is ‘’trauma’’.

If only we could build a story together, and I mean together, not just me pulling in plot and conflict and you passively reacting or powerplaying through what could be an interesting story arc.

I’d rejoice over answers of at least a two paragraphs that give me something to work with and you’d delight in my regular response schedule (usually twice a day).

Send me a request if you want to write cool stories that aren’t just dumb sm*t... or if you want to dissapoint me!

I long for the day we meet, future-roleplay-partner, and for all the days afterwards where you will hopefully not become a stalker and ask for pictures of my feet.



Start roleplaying with members like Bakaaa!



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I had to jump in and do face painting for kids at yesterday's event. Each time I finished painting a kid's face I asked for a high five, said bye and the next kid came up.

This boy with a mohawk, about 10, asks for a pink butterfly mask. I already know I'm dealing with a badass.

When I ask for my high five he sighs and says. ''I'm sorry, I already have a girlfriend.'' and then just leaves. Kids are great... they really are...

Mood: indescribable
2  15 hours ago

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